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Focus on decoration for 78 years
Focus on decoration for 78 years
Quality decoration, rest assured
Design Kezi
Design Kezi
Standard set meal, match at will
Whole house renovation
Whole house renovation
Brand ID building
Color painting
Color painting
Family painting, tooling painting
Color painting strategy
Gold designer designs for you
Experience now
Decoration strategy
Gold designer designs for you
Experience now
Service strategy
Professional designer one on one
Appreciation of wonderful cases
More than 10 kinds of fashion home decoration styles, tens of thousands of exquisite case works, designer careful comments, let you quickly find home decoration
Decoration finished Space design Special Schemes
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How much do I need to decorate my home
Offer in advance, solve the decoration budget trouble

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Today, 2173 owners have obtained the decoration budget
Room area:
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Your price for decoration is 33526 yuan

Design fee


Project cost


Material cost


This quotation is estimated according to the area you input, and the final price is mainly measured,It is only suitable for ordinary residence, not for retest, villa, etc.
About Yuejiang
Decoration service process
Yuejiang platform
In line with the international trend of home furnishing, integrate the domestic decoration needs, and constantly innovate the design concept of home furnishing, so that your home will always be at the forefront of the trend
Yuejiang platform

One person can go very fast, but a group of people go further. This is the creator's thing and the platform to realize the dream. Welcome to join us!

Adhering to the concept of win-win cooperation, Yuejiang is willing to feel the glorious glory on the dream stage with you!
Trend and future
The IP derivation of aesthetic culture service Content marketing and audio visual feast Brand upgrading and cross domain Hot money marketing and innovation Branding and IP Brand digitalization and efficiency enhancement